Saturday, March 28, 2015

Solar Lamp using the PR4403

The PR4403 is an enhanced cousin of the PR4402 40 mA LED driver. It has an extra input called LS which can be taken low to  turn the LED on. This makes it very easy  to build an automatic LED lamp using a  rechargeable battery and a solar module. The LS input is connected directly to the solar cell, which allows the module to be  used as a light sensor at the same time as  it charges the battery via a diode. When  darkness falls so does the voltage across  the solar module: when it is below a thresh-old value the PR4403 switches on. During  the day the battery is charged and, with  the LED off, the driver only draws 100 µA.
Circuit Diagram :
Solar Lamp-Circuit Diagram
Solar Lamp using the PR4403 Circuit Diagram

At night the energy stored in the battery is released into the LED. In contrast to similar designs, here we can make do with a single  1.2 V cell. The PR4403 is available in an SO-8 pack-age with a lead pitch of 1.27 mm. The  other components are a 1N4148 diode (or a Schottky 1N5819) and a 4.7 µH choke. Pin 2 is the LS enable input, connected directly to the solar module. According to the datasheet, it is possible to connect a series resistor at this point (typ. 1.2 M) to increase the effective threshold voltage. The LED will then turn on slightly earlier in the evening before it is not completely  dark. Pins 3 and 6 of the device must be connected together and together form the output of the circuit.

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